国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为3.400;G&I创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为2.802。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。
![]() G&G 2019年第6期共刊发了11篇学术论文,内容涉及土工泡沫降低高速铁路引起地面振动影响的离心模型试验、基于抗拉强度截断的加筋黏性土三维边坡筋材强度研究、粉质砂土路基等温水化土工合成材料黏土垫(GCL)的化学相互作用与水力性能、桩承式路堤土工格栅加筋效应与桩体荷载分担比研究、筋材与砂土类型对倾斜拉拔试验的影响、土工网垫与植物根系加筋土抗剪强度直剪试验、无侧限条件下有纺土工织物蠕变行为短期模型、真空预压条件下预制竖向排水板间土体变形特性、砂土-格栅-黏土层状加筋土挡墙性能模型试验、掺入受阻胺光稳定剂(HALS)高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)土工膜长期性能、土工合成材料包裹碎石桩变形理论分析等。 论文目录如下: 1.标题:Mitigation of ground vibrations induced by high speed railways using double geofoam barriers: Centrifuge modeling 作者:Mohammad Hassan Baziar, Mohammad Kazemi, Habib Shahnazari (Iran) 2.标题:Required strength of geosynthetics for reinforced 3D slopes in cohesive backfills with tensile strength cut-off 作者:Z.W. Li, X.L. Yang (China) 3.标题:Chemical interaction and hydraulic performance of geosynthetic clay liners isothermally hydrated from silty sand subgrade 作者:R. Kerry Rowe, J.D.D. Garcia, R.W.I. Brachman, M.S. Hosney (Canada & Egypt) 4.标题:Investigation on geogrid reinforcement and pile efficacy in geosynthetic-reinforced pile-supported track-bed 作者:Han-Lin Wang, Ren-Peng Chen, Qi-Wei Liu, Xin Kang (China & UK) 5.标题:Experimental studies on inclined pullout behaviour of geosynthetic sheet Vis-À-Vis geogrid - Effect of type of anchor and sand 作者:Riya Bhowmik, Jagdish Telangrao Shahu, Manoj Datta (India) 6.标题:Direct shear tests of shear strength of soils reinforced by geomats and plant roots 作者:Huiming Tan, Fumao Chen, Jia Chen, Yufeng Gao (China) 7.标题:A short-term model for extrapolating unconfined creep deformation data for woven geotextiles 作者:José Luiz Ernandes Dias Filho, Paulo Cesar de Almeida Maia, Gustavo de Castro Xavier (Brazil) 8.标题:Deformation characteristics of soil between prefabricated vertical drains under vacuum preloading 作者:Peng Wang, Yanbing Han, Jun Wang, Yuanqiang Cai, Xueyu Geng (China & UK) 9.标题:Centrifuge model studies on the performance of soil walls reinforced with sand-cushioned geogrid layers 作者:S. Balakrishnan, B.V.S. Viswanadham (India) 10.标题:Long-term performance of a HDPE geomembrane stabilized with HALS in chlorinated water 作者:F.B. Abdelaal, M.S. Morsy, R. Kerry Rowe (Canada) 11.标题:Deformation analysis of geosynthetic-encased stone column using cavity expansion models with emphasis on boundary condition 作者:Yang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong, Qing Yang, Hui Li (China) G&G 2019年第6期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
【撰稿:王志杰、李乔一 审核:吕鹏 编辑:程凤娟】
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