![]() We foster broad coverage of topics from geomechanics research and geotechnical engineering practice. Contributions from (not limited to) the following topics are welcome. Geomechanics for soil and rock Constitutive modelling Innovative numerical techniques Testing and instrumentation methods in lab and field Foundation engineering Deep excavation Underground construction Ground improvement Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering Landslide and debris flow Geosynthetics Geotechnics in hydro-engineering Geotechnics in transportation Geotechnics in energy and environment
Plenary speakers
Alonso Eduardo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)Burland John (Imperial College, UK), to be confirmed Chen Zu-Yu (Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing, China) Hicher Pierre-Yves (École Centrale de Nantes, France) Jamiolkowski Michele (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) Ng Charles W.W. (Hongkong University of Science and Technology, China) Ou Chang-Yu (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, China) Zhang Jian-Min (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
Special session in honor of Prof. Gudehus’ 80th birthday
Organizers: Grabe Jürgen (Hamburg, Germany) & Wu Wei (Vienna, Austria)
Laudation: Kolymbas Dimitrios (Innsbruck, Austria)
Special session on numerical methods
Organizers: Zhao Ji-dong (Hongkong, China) & Schweiger Helmut (Graz, Austria)
Special session on underground construction
Organizers: Zhu He-Hua (Shanghai, China) & Meschke Günther (Bochum, Germany)
Special session on micro-macro relationship
Organizers: Jiang Ming-Jing (Shanghai, China) & Luding Stafan (Twente, Netherlands)
Abstract due
31. December 2017
Extended abstract
28. Februar 2018
Acceptance of extended abstract
31. March 2018
会议注册The conference fee will be 490 € for delegates and 280 € for students and it includes: Delegate pack and conference proceedings Welcome reception on Sunday evening 12. August 2018 Coffee breaks and lunches 13.-16. August 2018 Conference banquet on 15. August 2018
We will provide invitation letter for visa application.
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, BOKU,
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1180 Vienna, Austria
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