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《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》摘要集(2020年第6期)
【字体: 】  【发布日期:2021-09-27 10:36】  【来源:中国土工合成材料工程协会】  【作者:中国土工合成材料工程协会】
  国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为5.292;G&I创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为3.663。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。

  G&G 2020年第6期共刊发了20篇学术论文,内容分别为:一种用于GCL渗透吸力控制的新型瞬态重量监测技术、土工格栅加筋对改善砂污染道砟力学行为的效应分析、既有PET条带加筋土墙内部稳定性安全系数的确定性和概率性评估、循环荷载作用下纤维加筋粉砂抗液化性能、采用塑料排水板与真空技术改良软粘土微观结构分析、土工格栅加筋对土-结构-管道相互作用的影响、土工合成材料加筋空洞区粘土路基解析解、试样制备对膨润土-聚合物GCL膨胀指数的影响、软粘土中土工合成材料包裹碎石土桩竖向循环荷载力学响应、铵渗透和干湿循环对GCL导水性能和内部性能的综合影响、温度梯度下添加聚合物对GCL干燥和愈合的影响、施工过程中与工后土工格栅加筋铁路路基刚性面板挡墙荷载分担特性、GCL快速水化和防止热干燥的浇灌复合衬垫设计、针刺GCL抗剪强度及破坏机理、氯化钙溶液中GCL干湿循环的吸力和裂纹扩展、服役36年加筋土挡墙中土工格栅的力学行为与化学特性、67m高加筋土边坡破坏案例分析、条形基础荷载作用下包裹式土工合成材料加筋土极限承载力研究、三轴应力条件下土工合成材料包裹碎石土变形与破坏分析、淤泥屏障对减少悬浮物的效果评价等。
  1.标题:A novel transient gravimetric monitoring technique implemented to GCL osmotic suction control
   作者:A.S. Acikel, A. Bouazza, W.P. Gates, R.M.Singh,R.K. Rowe (Australia & Norway & Canada)
  2.标题:Effectiveness of geogrid reinforcement in improvement of mechanical behavior of sand-contaminated ballast
   作者:Javad Sadeghi, Ali Reza Tolou Kian, Hossein Ghiasinejad, Mosarreza Fallah Moqaddam, Sepehr Motevalli (Iran)
  3.标题:Deterministic and probabilistic assessment of margins of safety for internal stability of as-built PET strap reinforced soil walls
   作者:Richard J. Bathurst, Yoshihisa Miyata, Tony M. Allen (Canada & Japan & USA)
  4.标题:Liquefaction resistance of fibre-reinforced silty sands under cyclic loading
   作者:Soheil Ghadr, Alireza Samadzadeh, Hadi Bahadori, Arya Assadi-Langroudi (Iran & UK)
  5.标题:Microstructures within and outside the smear zones for soft clay improvement using PVD only, Vacuum-PVD, Thermo-PVD and Thermo-Vacuum-PVD
   作者:Dennes T. Bergado, Salisa Chaiyaput, Suthasinee Artidteang, Trong Nghia Nguyen (Thailand & Viet Nam)
  6.标题:Effect of geogrid reinforcement on soil – structure - pipe interaction in terms of bearing capacity, settlement and stress distribution
   作者:Selçuk Bildik, Mustafa Laman (Turkey & United Kingdom)
  7.标题:Analytical solutions for geosynthetic-reinforced cohesive subgrade spanning trench voids
   作者:Fu-quan Chen, Yu-jian Lin, Shi-xuan Chen (China)
  8.标题:Effect of specimen preparation on the swell index of bentonite-polymer GCLs
   作者:Christian Wireko, Binte Zainab, Kuo Tian, Tarek Abichou (USA)
  9.标题:Vertical cyclic loading response of geosynthetic-encased stone column in soft clay
   作者:Ling Zhang, Zeyu Xu, Shuai Zhou (China)
  10.标题:Combined effects of ammonium permeation and dry-wet cycles on the hydraulic conductivity and internal properties of geosynthetic clay liners
   作者:Ta Thi Hoai, Toshifumi Mukunoki (Japan & Viet Nam)
  11.标题:Effect of added polymer on the desiccation and healing of a geosynthetic clay liner subject to thermal gradients
   作者:Bowei Yu, Abbas El-Zein, R. Kerry Rowe (Australia & Canada)
  12.标题:Load sharing characteristics of rigid facing walls with geogrid reinforced railway subgrade during and after construction
   作者:Ung Jin Kim, Dae Sang Kim (Korea)
  13.标题:Irrigated composite liner designs for fast hydration and prevention of thermal desiccation of geosynthetics clay liners
   作者:Bowei Yu, Abbas El-Zein (Australia)
  14.标题:Shear strength and failure mechanism of needle-punched geosynthetic clay liner
   作者:Shi-Jin Feng, Ji-Yun Chang, Hong-Xin Chen, Yang Shen, Jia-Liang Shi (China)
  15.标题:Suction and crack propagation in GCLs subjected to drying and wetting in CaCl2-solutions
   作者:Wolfgang Lieske, Florian Christ, Wiebke Baille, Gemmina Di Emidio, Torsten Wichtmann (Germany & Belgium)
  16.标题:Characterization of geogrid mechanical and chemical properties from a thirty-six year old mechanically-stabilized earth wall
   作者:Ben Leshchinsky, Ryan Berg, Willie Liew, Morgan Kawakami-Selin, Jaxom Moore, Sophie Brown, Bernard Kleutsch, Kira Glover-Cutter, Mark Wayne (USA)
  17.标题:Case history on failure of a 67 M tall reinforced soil slope
   作者:Ryan R. Berg, James G. Collin, Thomas P. Taylor, Chester F. Watts (USA)
  18.标题:Ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing resting on soil bed strengthened by wraparound geosynthetic reinforcement technique
   作者:Muhammad Nouman Amjad Raja, Sanjay Kumar Shukla (Australia & Pakistan & Fiji & India)
  19.标题:Analyzing the deformation and failure of geosynthetic-encased granular soil in the triaxial stress condition
   作者:Fei Song, Yangtao Jin, Huabei Liu, Jie Liu (China)
  20.标题:Evaluation of silt curtain in the reduction of suspended solids
   作者:Eduardo Paniguel Oliveira, Rafael Brito de Moura, Caio Pompeu Cavalieri, Rafael de Oliveira Tiezzi (Brazil)
  G&G 2020年第6期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
G&G 2020-06 摘要集

【撰写:成彪、王志杰 审核:吕 鹏 编辑:许喜娟】

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