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《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》摘要集(2021年第2期)
【字体: 】  【发布日期:2022-01-25 16:31】  【来源:中国土工合成材料工程协会】  【作者:中国土工合成材料工程协会】
  国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为5.292;G&I创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为3.663。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。

  G&G 2021年第2期为“土工合成材料在环境岩土工程中的应用”专刊,本期共刊发了13篇学术论文,内容涉及多组分GCL在高盐度蓄水应用中的性能、垂直荷载作用下土工膜衬垫填埋场的DEM分析、水下原位覆盖四层沉积层-承台系统中污染物扩散的解析解、循环荷载作用下糙面土工膜与无纺土工织物界面动态剪切行为、条形基础荷载作用下土工格栅加筋透明砂土的试验和数值模拟、土工合成材料黏土衬垫在重金属溶液中渗透性和自愈能力的试验研究、用铝土矿液渗透的膨润土聚合物复合土工合成材料黏土衬垫的导水性、高厨余垃圾填埋场土工格栅加筋城市固体废弃物边坡的现场监测、土工合成材料黏土衬垫中甲烷对流扩散的试验研究、真空与堆载联合预压法改良连云港软质海相黏土用于路堤拓宽工程的案例分析、填埋场屏障系统的性能问题研究综述、三重填埋场衬垫中有机污染物运移耦合固结扩散分析模型、考虑筋材与地基贡献的桩承式路堤简化设计方法等。
  1. 标题:Performance of multicomponent GCLs in high salinity impoundment applications
   作者:R. Kerry Rowe , A.Y. AbdelRazek
  2. 标题:A DEM analysis of geomembrane-lined landfill subject to vertical loading
   作者:Juan Hou, Hao Li, Lei Liu, Shihan Wang, Yuyang Teng, Shifen Bao
  3. 标题:Analytical solutions for contaminant diffusion in four-layer sediment-cap system for subaqueous in-situ capping
   作者:Jinwei Qiu, Hefu Pu, Xunlong Chen, Junjie Zheng
  4. 标题:Dynamic shear behaviors of textured geomembrane/nonwoven geotextile interface under cyclic loading
   作者:Ji-Yun Chang, Shi-Jin Feng
  5. 标题:Physical and numerical modelling of strip footing on geogrid reinforced transparent sand
   作者:Jianfeng Chen, Xiaopeng Guo, Rui Sun, Sathiyamoorthy Rajesh, Song Jiang, Jianfeng Xue
   6. 标题:Experimental study on the permeability and self-healing capacity of geosynthetic clay liners in heavy metal solutions
   作者:Chuang Yu, Yu Yang, Ze-xiang Wu, Ji-fang Jiang, Rao-ping Liao, Yong-feng Deng
  7. 标题:Hydraulic conductivity of bentonite-polymer composite geosynthetic clay liners permeated with bauxite liquor
   作者:Qin Li, Jiannan Chen, Craig H. Benson, Daoping Peng (China & USA) 
  8. 标题:Field behaviors of a geogrid reinforced MSW slope in a high-food-waste-content MSW landfill: A case study
   作者:Han Ke, Pengcheng Ma, Jiwu Lan, Yunmin Chen, Haijie He
  9. 标题:Experimental investigation on methane advection and diffusion in geosynthetic clay liners
   作者:Qiao Wang, Haijian Xie, Jiawei Wu, Liangtong Zhan, Zhanhong Qiu
  10. 标题:Combined vacuum and surcharge preloading method to improve Lianyungang soft marine clay for embankment widening project: A case
   作者:Jun Wu, Youjin Xuan, Yongfeng Deng, Xingqi Li, Fusheng Zha, Annan Zhou 
  11. 标题:Performance issues of barrier systems for landfills: A review
   作者:Nathalie Touze-Foltz, Haijian Xie, Guillaume Stoltz
  12. 标题:Analytical model for coupled consolidation and diffusion of organic contaminant transport in triple landfill liners
   作者:Huaxiang Yan, Jiawei Wu, Hywel R. Thomas, Hao Ding, Liangtong Zhan, Haijian Xie
  13. 标题:A simple design approach to analyse the piled embankment including tensile reinforcement and subsoil contributions
   作者:Yan Zhuang, Xiao-Yan Cui, Kang-Yu Wang, Jun Zhang
  G&G 2021年第2期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
G&G 2021年第2期论文摘要集

【撰写:成彪 审核:吕 鹏 编辑:许喜娟】
上一篇:《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》摘要集(2021年第1期)
下一篇:《Geosynthetics International》摘要集(2021年第3期)
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