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《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》摘要集(2021年第4期)
【字体: 】  【发布日期:2022-04-27 11:09】  【来源:中国土工合成材料工程协会】  【作者:中国土工合成材料工程协会】
  国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为5.292;G&I创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为3.663。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。

  G&G 2021年第4期共刊发了16篇学术论文,内容涉及:孔隙水化学成分对硅砂水化自修复GCL的影响、土工格栅加筋沥青层界面力学性能试验研究、土工合成材料加筋橡胶砂混合料的抗剪强度特性、基于土工合成材料刚度的加筋土结构分析和数值模拟、化学降水对干旱地区地下排水系统土工布围护结构渗透性的影响、基于分步等温法(SIM)的土工合成材料蠕变主曲线快速精确构建方法、土工格室加筋壳体基础的三维数值分析、含水率对纤维加筋非饱和土力学性能影响的统一有效应力理论验证、颗粒形状对土工格栅筋土界面循环剪切行为的影响、影响聚合物洗脱因素与GCLs化学相容性机理研究、MSE墙内单桩和群桩在静力和循环侧向荷载作用下的力学响应、膨胀土中土工袋护坡设计、土工格栅L型锚固能力的拉拔试验研究、PCC收缩缝采用土工格栅AC覆盖层的性能、临近地铁建筑物基础隔振土工合成材料隔振装置试验研究、土工合成黏土衬垫在高吸力范围内持水曲线特性研究等。
  1.标题:Influence of pore water chemistry on GCL self-healing with hydration from silica sand
   作者:R. Kerry Rowe, T.-K.Li
  2.标题:Laboratory evaluation of interfacial mechanical properties in geogrid-reinforced bituminous layers
   作者:Ehsan Solatiyan, Nicolas Bueche, Alan Carter
  3.标题:Shear strength characteristics of geosynthetic reinforced rubber-sand mixtures
   作者:D.R.Manohar, P.Anbazhagan
  4.标题:Geosynthetic reinforcement stiffness for analytical and numerical modelling of reinforced soil structures
   作者:Richard J.Bathurst, Fahimeh M.Naftchali
  5.标题:Effects of chemical precipitation on the permeability of geotextile envelopes for subsurface drainage systems in arid areas
   作者:Chenyao Guo; Haoyu Yang; Zhongbing Lin; Jingwei Wu; Hang Li; Zhe Wu; Wei Mao
  6.标题:A fast and precise methodology of creep master curve construction for geosynthetics based on stepped isothermal method (SIM)
   作者:Yang Zhao; Zheng Lu; Hailin Yao; Haixiang Hu; Xiaoyong Li; Yousheng Tang
  7.标题:Three-dimensional numerical analysis of geocell reinforced shell foundations
   作者:Abdulmuttalip Ari, Gizem Misir
  8. 标题:Verification of unified effective stress theory based on the effect of moisture on mechanical properties of fiber reinforced unsaturated soil
   作者:Omar Al Hattamleh, Samer Rababah, Ahmad Alawneh, Ahmad Alqawab'ah
  9.标题:Particle shape effects on the cyclic shear behaviour of the soil–geogrid interface
   作者:Fei-yu Liu, Meng-jie Ying, Guo-hui Yuan, Jun Wang, Zi-yang Gao, Jun-feng Ni
  10.标题:Investigating factors influencing polymer elution and the mechanism controlling the chemical compatibility of GCLs containing linear polymers
   作者:Christian Wireko, Tarek Abichou
  11.标题:Responses of single and group piles within MSE walls under static and cyclic lateral loads
   作者:Saif Jawad, Jie Han, Ghaith Abdulrasool, Mahdi Al-Naddaf
  12.标题:Design of soilbag-protected slopes in expansive soils
   作者:Yongfu Xu, Hong-ri Zhang
  13.标题:Experimental study on the L-shaped anchorage capacity of the geogrid by the pullout test
   作者:A.Maleki, S.H.Lajevardi, L.Briançon, A.Nayeri, H.Saba
  14.标题:Performance of AC overlays using geogrids on PCC contraction joints
   作者:Muhammet Çelik, Mehmet Tevfik Seferoğlu, Muhammet Vefa Akpınar
  15.标题:Experimental study on a geosynthetics isolator for the base vibration isolation of buildings neighboring metro transportation
   作者:Tao Sheng, Xue-cheng Bian, Chang Xiao, Yue Chen, Gan-bin Liu, Yue Li
  16.标题:Hysteresis of the water retention curves of geosynthetic clay liners in the high suction range
   作者:Abdelmalek Bouazza, Md Abdur Rouf
  G&G 2021年第4期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
G&G 2021-04 摘要集
【撰写:成 彪 审核:吕 鹏 编辑:许喜娟】
上一篇:《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》摘要集(2021年第3期)
下一篇:《Geosynthetics International》摘要集(2021年第5期)
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