国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为5.292;G&I创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为3.663。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。 鉴于G&G与G&I在国际土工合成材料领域的重要影响力,国内外许多有关土工合成材料的重大研究成果均发表在这两本期刊上。为了使协会会员及时了解最新的国际研究进展,协会秘书处收集整理了近期发表在G&G与G&I上的论文摘要等信息,将陆续与协会会员分享。 ![]() 论文目录如下: 1.标题:Design of geocell reinforced roads through fragility modeling 作者:Sundeep Inti, Vivek Tandon 2.标题:Performance enhancement of encased stone column with conductive natural geotextile under k0 stress condition 作者:B.K. Pandey, S. Rajesh, S. Chandra 3.标题:Analytical solutions for geosynthetic-encased stone column-supported embankments with emphasis on nonlinear behaviours of columns 作者:Yang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong, Junjie Zheng, Lei Wen, Qing Yang 4.标题:The influence of geosynthetic reinforcement on the mechanical behaviour of soil-pipe systems 作者:Ana C.G. Pires, Ennio M. Palmeira 5.标题:Hydraulic conductivity of bentonite-polymer geosynthetic clay liners to coal combustion product leachates 作者:Binte Zainab, Christian Wireko, Dong Li, Kuo Tian, Tarek Abichou 6.标题:Load-bearing performance of model GRS bridge abutments with different facing and reinforcement spacing configurations 作者:Kianoosh Hatami, Ridvan Doger 7.标题:Two-dimensional consolidation analysis of geotextile tubes filled with fine-grained material 作者:H.J. Kim, P.R. Dinoy 8.标题:Effect of wet-dry cycles on standard & polymer-amended GCLs in covers subjected to flow over the GCL 作者:R. Kerry Rowe, Seba Hamdan 9.标题:Deformation of model reinforced soil structures: Comparison of theoretical and experimental results 作者:Krystyna Kazimierowicz-Frankowska, Marek Kulczykowski 10.标题:A multi-camera based photogrammetric method for three-dimensional full-field displacement measurements of geosynthetics during tensile test 作者:Xiaolong Xia, Xiong Zhang, Chunmei Mu 11.标题:Use of geosynthetic clay liner as a remedial measure of claystone degradation in Lam Ta Khong hydropower plant 作者:Suttisak Soralump, Avishek Shrestha, Apiniti Jotisankasa, Chinoros Thongthamchart, Rattatam Isaroran 12.标题:Pullout tests on diagonally enhanced geocells embedded in sand to improve load-deformation response subjected to significant planar tensile loads 作者:Kazem Fakharian, Aref Pilban 13.标题:Modified axial pullout resistance factors of geogrids embedded in pond ash 作者:Bhargav Kumar Karnamprabhakara, Umashankar Balunaini 14.标题:Seismic behavior of geosynthetic-reinforced retaining walls backfilled with cohesive soil 作者:I.E. Kilic, C. Cengiz, A. Edincliler, E. Guler 15.标题:Water retention curves of a geosynthetic clay liner under non-uniform temperature-stress paths 作者:Mayu Tincopa, Abdelmalek Bouazza 16.标题:Predicting the settlement of geosynthetic-reinforced soil foundations using evolutionary artificial intelligence technique 作者:Muhammad Nouman Amjad Raja, Sanjay Kumar Shukla 17.标题:A rigorous numerical formulation for upper bound analysis of reinforced soils using second order cone programming 作者:Shuai Yuan 18.标题:Critical length of encased stone columns 作者:Marina Miranda, Jesús Fernandez-Ruiz, Jorge Castro 19.标题:The role of geosynthetics in reducing the fluidisation potential of soft subgrade under cyclic loading 作者:Joseph Arivalagan, Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn, Buddhima Indraratna, Andy Warwick 20.标题:Numerical study of geosynthetic reinforced soil bridge abutment performance under static and seismic loading considering effects of bridge deck 作者:Mehdi Askari, Hamid Reza Razeghi, Jaber Mamaghanian 21.标题:Full-scale field study of using geofoam to reduce earth pressures on buried concrete culverts 作者:Junqi Wang, Jie Huang 22.标题:Pullout resistance of inclined anchors embedded in geogrid reinforced sand 作者:Sougata Mukherjee, Lucky Kumar, Awdhesh Kumar Choudhary, G.L. Sivakumar Babu 23.标题:Mitigation of seasonal temperature change-induced problems with integral bridge abutments using EPS foam and geogrid 作者:Hao Liu, Jie Han, Robert L. Parsons 24.标题:Geogrid-soil interaction: A new conceptual model and testing apparatus 作者:Jan Derksen, Martin Ziegler, Raul Fuentes 25.标题:A large-scale shaking table model test for acceleration and deformation response of geosynthetic encased stone column composite ground 作者:Fang Ou Yang, Gang Fan, Kaifeng Wang, Chen Yang, Wenqiang Lyu, Jianjing Zhang 26.标题:Shear strength behavior of clayey soil reinforced with polypropylene fibers under drained and undrained conditions 作者:N.S. Correia, S.A. Rocha, P.C. Lodi, J.S. McCartney 27.标题:A laboratory evaluation of reinforcement loads induced by rainfall infiltration in geosynthetic mechanically stabilized earth walls 作者:F.H.M. Portelinha, M.C. Santos, M.M. Futai 28.标题:Nonlinear consolidation analysis of soft soil with vertical drains considering well resistance and smear effect under cyclic loadings 作者:Pyol Kim, Tong-Chol Kim, Yong-Gun Kim, Hak-Bom Myong, Kwang-Su Jon, Song-Hun Jon G&G 2021年第5期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
【撰写:蔡永明、王志杰 审核:吕 鹏 编辑:许喜娟】 |
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