国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为5.292;G&I创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为3.663。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。 鉴于G&G与G&I在国际土工合成材料领域的重要影响力,国内外许多有关土工合成材料的重大研究成果均发表在这两本期刊上。为了使协会会员及时了解最新的国际研究进展,协会秘书处收集整理了近期发表在G&G与G&I上的论文摘要等信息,将陆续与协会会员分享。 ![]() 论文目录如下: 1.标题:Performance of two-tiered reinforced-soil retaining walls under strip footing load 作者:Majid Yazdandoust, Atanaz Bahrami Balfeh Taimouri 2.标题:Effect of basal reinforcement on performance of floating geosynthetic encased stone column-supported embankment 作者:Jian-Feng Chen, Xu Zhang, Chungsik Yoo, Zi-Ang Gu 3.标题:Evaluation of geosynthetic reinforcement in unpaved road using moving wheel load test 作者:Meenakshi Singh, Ashutosh Trivedi, Sanjay Kumar Shukla 4.标题:Influence of polymer enhancement on water uptake, retention and barrier performance of geosynthetic clay liners 作者:Zhi Chong Lau, Abdelmalek Bouazza, Will P. Gates 5.标题:Effectiveness of a Geocomposite-PVD system in preventing subgrade instability and fluidisation under cyclic loading 作者:Joseph Arivalagan, Buddhima Indraratna, Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn, Andy Warwick 6.标题:Mechanical property and deformation behavior of geogrid reinforced calcareous sand 作者:Xuan-ming Ding, Zhao-gang Luo, Qiang Ou 7.标题:Experimental study on the load bearing behavior of geosynthetic reinforced soil bridge abutments with different facing conditions 作者:Jun Zhang, Yafei Jia, Wenhao Guo, Jianbin Zhao, Jianming Ling,Yewei Zheng 8.标题:An analytical solution for contaminant extraction from multilayered soil using PVD-enhanced system 作者:Xue Zhou, Heng-Yu Wang, Dao-Sheng Ling, Xiao-Wu Tang 9.标题:Field trial of a reinforced landfill cover system: performance and failure 作者:Giampaolo Cortellazzo, Luis E. Russo, Stefano Busana, Laura Carbone, Marco Favaretti, Hartmut Hangen 10.标题:Experimental study of PVD-improved dredged soil with vacuum preloading and air pressure 作者:Yajun Wu, Rong Zhou, Yitian Lu, Xudong Zhang, Haiqiang Zhang, Quoc Cong Tran 11.标题:Application of EPS geofoam in rockfall galleries: Insights from large-scale experiments and FDEM simulations 作者:Shuaixing Yan, Yu Wang, Dongpo Wang, Siming He 12.标题:A general solution for leakage through geomembrane defects overlain by saturated tailings and underlain by highly permeable subgrade 作者:R. Kerry Rowe, Jiying Fan 13.标题:Influence of water to cement ratio on mechanical performance of concrete canvas reinforced with warp-knitted spacer fabric 作者:Xiaotao Ma, Zhiyong Mei, Pibo Ma 14.标题:Numerical modeling of floating geosynthetic-encased stone column–supported embankments with basal reinforcement 作者:Xu Zhang, Chungsik Yoo, Jian-Feng Chen, Zi-Ang Gu 15.标题:Experimental study on the mechanical behavior of shored mechanically stabilized earth walls for widening existing reinforced embankments 作者:Fei-fan Ren, Huan Xu, Yan-jun Ji, Qiang-qiang Huang, Xun Tian 16.标题:Influence of micro and macroroughness of geomembrane surfaces on soil-geomembrane and geotextile-geomembrane interface strength 作者:Gregório Luís Silva Araújo, Nelson Padron Sánchez, Ennio Marques Palmeira, Maria das Graças Gardoni de Almeida 17.标题:Novel soil-pegged geogrid (PG) interactions in pull-out loading conditions 作者:M.R. Abdi, H. Mirzaeifar, Y. Asgardun 18.标题:Effect of the particle size ratio on macro- and mesoscopic shear characteristics of the geogrid-reinforced rubber and sand mixture interface 作者:Fei-yu Liu, Jun Fu, Jun Wang, Zi-yang Gao, Hao-ze Li, Jing-ting Li 19.标题:Liquefaction behavior of fiber-reinforced calcareous sands in unidirectional and multidirectional simple shear tests 作者:Lin Zhou, Jian-Feng Chen, Ming Peng, Yan Zhu 20.标题:Numerical study of the impact of climate conditions on stability of geocomposite and geogrid reinforced soil walls 作者:G.B. Nunes, F.H.M. Portelinha, M.M. Futai, C. Yoo 21.标题:Evaluating wettability of geotextiles with contact angles 作者:Md Wasif Zaman, JieHan, Xiong Zhang G&G 2022年第4期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
【撰写:王有为、王志杰 审核:吕 鹏 编辑:许喜娟】
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