国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为5.292;G&I创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为3.663。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。 鉴于G&G与G&I在国际土工合成材料领域的重要影响力,国内外许多有关土工合成材料的重大研究成果均发表在这两本期刊上。为了使协会会员及时了解最新的国际研究进展,协会秘书处收集整理了近期发表在G&G与G&I上的论文摘要等信息,将陆续与协会会员分享。 ![]() 论文目录如下: 1.标题:Structural damage and shear performance degradation of fiber–lime–soil under freeze–thaw cycling 作者:Li Wei, Shouxi Chai, Meiling Xue, Pei Wang, Fang Li 2.标题:Model test of clogging effects on composite foundation of geosynthetic-encased steel slag column 作者:Kaiwen Liu, Ruizhe Qiu, Tengfei Yan, Bowen Wu, Jiying Fan, Fei Yue, Guoxiong Mei 3.标题:Short- and long-term behavior of EPS geofoam in reduction of lateral earth pressure on rigid retaining wall subjected to surcharge loading 作者:Vinil Kumar Gade, S.M. Dasaka 4.标题:Effects of seismic amplification on the stability design of geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls 作者:Bin Ge, Huaining Ruan, Shuang Shu, Fei Zhang, Yufeng Gao 5.标题:Full-scale model tests of load transfer in geogrid-reinforced and floating pile-supported embankments 作者:Chonglei Zhang, Lijun Su, Guanlu Jiang 6.标题:Evaluation of back-calculated elastic moduli of unreinforced and geocell-reinforced unbound granular material from full-scale field tests 作者:L.L.R. Zipoli, J.O. Avesani Neto 7.标题:Centrifuge tests on geosythetic-encased stone column supported embankment on seasonal frozen soil 作者:Zi-Ang Gu, Fu-Jun Niu, Jian-Feng Chen, Xing-Tao Wang 8.标题:CFD-DEM modeling of geotextile clogging in tunnel drainage systems 作者:Ahmed Ibrahim, Mohamed A. Meguid 9.标题:Laboratory investigation of GCL hydration from Lateritic subsoils 作者:J.W.B. Silva, N.S. Correia, F.H.M. Portelinha 10.标题:Linear viscoelastic behaviours of bituminous mixtures and fiberglass geogrids interfaces 作者:Reuber Arrais Freire, Herv´e Di Benedetto, C´edric Sauz´eat, Simon Pouget, Didier Lesueur 11.标题:Experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical strength characteristics of natural fiber retrofitted rammed earth walls 作者:Bipul Sen, Rajib Saha 12.标题:Experimental study on uplift behavior of shallow anchor plates in geogrid-reinforced soil 作者:Yu-Xin Gao, Hong-Hu Zhu, Yu-Fei Ni, Chao Wei, Bin Shi 13.标题:Field monitoring of wicking geotextile to reduce soil moisture under a concrete pavement subjected to precipitations and temperature variations 作者:Hao Liu, Jie Han, Mahdi Al-Naddaf, Robert L. Parsons, Jamal Ismail Kakrasul 14.标题:Finite element limit analysis of load-bearing performance of reinforced slopes using a non-associated flow rule 作者:Peng Xu, Ting Li, Kianoosh Hatami, Guangqing Yang, Xunmei Liang 15.标题:Geogrid reinforcement of ballasted railway superstructure for stabilization of the railway track geometry – A case study 作者:Szabolcs Fischer 16.标题:Influence of asphalt thickness on performance of geosynthetic-reinforced asphalt: Full-scale field study 作者:V. Vinay Kumar, Gholam H. Roodi, S. Subramanian, Jorge G. Zornberg
【撰写:章维要 王志杰 审核:吕 鹏 编辑:许喜娟】
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