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《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》摘要集(2023年第3期)
【字体: 】  【发布日期:2023-08-02 09:18】  【来源:中国土工合成材料工程协会】  【作者:中国土工合成材料工程协会】
  国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为5.2;G&I创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为4.5。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。
  G&G 2023年第3期共刊发了6篇学术论文,内容涉及土工织物砂袋在原位海岸线防护性能的定量评估、基于现场监测的工程覆盖系统中土工膜衬垫排水层的重要性研究、基于数字图像相关(DIC)技术的加筋土地基变形行为试验研究、聚酯拉筋带在不同类型与不同压实度再生骨料中的拉拔行为试验研究、基于颗粒图像测速(PIV)技术的土工织物加筋砂土最优设计组合研究、基于微观CT与剪切带分析的砂土-土工合成材料界面剪切响应多尺度研究等。
1. 标题: Quantitative assessment of the shoreline protection performance of geotextile sandbags at an in-situ coastal experimental station
  作者: Yongqing Li, Zai-Jin You, Ye Ma, Bing Ren
2. 标题: Assessing the importance of drainage layers over geomembrane liners within engineered cover systems: Seven years of field monitoring at three mine waste rock piles
  作者: Deanna Hersey, Christopher Power
3. 标题: DIC assessment of foundation soil response for different reinforcement between base and soft subgrade layer – Physical modeling
  作者: Mladen Kapor, Adis Skejić, Senad Medić, Anis Balić
4. 标题: Pullout behaviour of polymeric strips embedded in mixed recycled aggregate (MRA) from construction & demolition (C&D) waste – Effect of type of fill and compaction
  作者: Apoorva Agarwal, G.V. Ramana, Manoj Datta, Narendra Kumar Soni, Rajiv Satyakam
5. 标题: A quasi-2D exploration of optimum design settings for geotextile-reinforced sand in assistance with PIV analysis of failure mechanism
  作者: Bayram Ates, Erol Sadoglu
6. 标题: Multi-scale understanding of sand-geosynthetic interface shear response through Micro-CT and shear band analysis
  作者: Rizwan Khan, Gali Madhavi Latha

G&G 2023年第3期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
【撰写:杨佳、王志杰  审核:刘伟超  编辑:程凤娟】
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