为促进土工合成材料相关领域青年科技人员的交流与合作,中国土工合成材料工程协会青年工作委员会现筹备系列网络研讨会。第1期由“土工合成材料应用河北省工程研究中心(石家庄铁道大学)”承办,将于2022年7月26日(星期二)举行,报告嘉宾为德国亚琛工业大学大学研究助理Jan Derksen,报告题目为:“Physical modelling of geosynthetic-reinforced soil: microscopic and macroscopic interaction”。以下是报告的详细信息: 报告题目:Physical modelling of geosynthetic-reinforced soil: microscopic and macroscopic interaction 报告嘉宾:Jan Derksen (Research Assistant at RWTH Aachen University) 报告时间:2022年7月26日下午16:00-17:30 会议室:Zoom ID:975 7703 6755 (Passcode: 621440) https://rwth.zoom.us/j/97577036755-pwd=K2RibGFWTW91K1d0VU9kOHFrZEpKUT09 报告人简介: ☆Research topic: Soil-geogrid interaction, Bearing capacity failure of geogrid-reinforced soil walls. ☆Leading researcher of a German Research Foundation project on geogrid reinforced soil technology. ☆Published nearly 20 journal papers and conference papers. ☆Fellowship of Geosynthetic Institute (GSI), Scholar of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Otto Intze Award. 摘要:The interaction between geosynthetic reinforcement and adjacent soil is key to the beneficial effects of geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) structures. This talk gives an overview of the experimental investigations on the interaction of GRS on the micro and macro scales carried out within the last years at RWTH Aachen University. The transparent soil technique was utilised in a novel testing apparatus to analyse the micro-mechanical processes at the geosynthetic-soil interface in terms of relative displacements, interfacial shear stresses and mobilised tensile load based on image correlation analysis. The macro-mechanical interaction of GRS walls during bearing-capacity failure was analysed in small-scale and large-scale tests. ***诚邀各位专家参会交流*** ![]() |
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