![]() 鉴于G&G与G&I在国际土工合成材料领域的重要影响力,国内外许多有关土工合成材料的重大研究成果均发表在这两本期刊上。为了使协会会员及时了解最新的国际研究进展,协会秘书处收集整理了近期发表在G&G与G&I上的论文摘要等信息,将陆续与协会会员分享。 G&I 2018年第1期共刊发了8篇学术论文,内容涉及土工膜与土工织物界面作用、双级台阶式加筋土挡墙变形行为、加筋柔性路面、加筋桩承式路堤、纤维加筋土抗剪强度、土工织物水力特性、土工膜耐久性、施工损伤对土工合成材料的影响等。 论文目录如下: 1. 标题:Experimental evaluation of geomembrane/geotextile interface as base isolating system 作者:V. Kalpakcı, A. T. Bonab, M. Y. Özkan and Z. Gülerce (Turkey) 2. 标题:Serviceability state deformation behaviour of two-tiered geosynthetic reinforced soil walls 作者:C. Yoo (Korea) 3. 标题:Performance evaluation of full-scale geosynthetic reinforced flexible pavement 作者:Q. Chen, S. Hanandeh, M. Abu-Farsakh and L. Mohammad (USA & Jordan) 4. 标题:Geosynthetic reinforcement of pile-supported embankments 作者:R. Girout, M. Blanc, L. Thorel and D. Dias (Brazil & France) 5. 标题:Practical approach to predict the shear strength of fibre-reinforced clay 作者:M. Mirzababaei, M. Mohamed, A. Arulrajah, S. Horpibulsuk and V. Anggraini (Australia, UK, Thailand & Malaysia) 6. 标题:Methodology to evaluate hydraulic compatibility of geotextile and RCA in underdrain systems 作者:A. Abbaspour, B. F. Tanyu, A. H. Aydilek and A. Y. Dayioglu (USA & Turkey) 7. 标题:Durability of reinforced PVC-P geomembranes installed in reservoirs in eastern Spain
作者:M. Blanco, N. Touze-Foltz, M. Pérez Sánchez, M. Redon-Santafe, F. J. Sánchez Romero, J. B. Torregrosa Soler and F. A. Zapata Raboso (Spain & France)
8. 标题:Long-term response and design of two geosynthetics: effect of field installation damage作者:M. Pinho-Lopes, A. M. Paula and M. L. Lopes (UK & Portugal) G&I 2018年第1期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
【撰稿:王志杰 左政 审核:吕鹏 编辑:程凤娟】
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