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会员福利!土工合成材料国际期刊论文摘要集(G&G 2018年第2期)
【字体: 】  【发布日期:2018-11-26 21:30】  【来源:中国土工合成材料工程协会】  【作者:秘书处】
    国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G于1984年创刊,当前影响因子为3.715;G&I于1994年创刊,当前影响因子为2.406。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。
    G&G 2018年第2期共刊发了11篇学术论文,内容涉及土工纤维混合土的导水性能、土工膜与GCL复合防渗衬垫泄漏问题评估、粘土层垂直排水、纤维加筋水泥土抗拉与抗压强度、土工合成材料衬垫系统服役性能数值模拟、纤维加筋膨胀土的膨胀压缩特性、土工格室在铁路软土路基中的应用、生物工程方法在边坡稳定中的应用、土工格室改善砂土中垂直板锚工作性能、垃圾填埋场垃圾沉降导致土工膜变形问题、真空预压与塑料垂直排水板改善疏浚海洋粘土性能现场试验等。
1. 标题:Hydraulic conductivity behaviour of soil blended with geofiber inclusions
作者:P.V. Divya, B.V.S. Viswanadham, J.P. Gourc (India & France)

2. 标题:Evaluating leakages through GMB/GCL composite liners considering random hole distributions in wrinkle networks
作者:Liang-tong Zhan, Cheng Chen, Abdelmalek Bouazza, Yun-min Chen (China & Australia)
3. 标题:Comparative analysis on performance of vertical drain improved clay deposit under vacuum or surcharge loading
作者:Zhen Zhang, Guan-Bao Ye, Yan Xu (China)
4. 标题:Modelling tensile/compressive strength ratio of fibre reinforced cemented soils
作者:Lucas Festugatoa, Anderson Peccin da Silva, Andrea Diambra, Nilo Cesar Consoli, Erdin Ibraim (Brazil & UK)
5. 标题:Development of a numerical model for performance-based design of geosynthetic liner systems
作者:E. Kavazanjian Jr., X. Wu, M. Arab, N. Matasovic (USA)
6. 标题:Swell-compression characteristics of a fiber-reinforced expansive soil
作者:Amin Soltani, An Deng, Abbas Taheri (Australia)
7. 标题:Use of cellular confinement for improved railway performance on soft subgrades
作者:Sagar Raj Satyal, Ben Leshchinsky, Jie Han, Madan Neupane (USA)
8. 标题:Nonwoven geotextiles from nettle and poly (lactic acid) fibers for slope stabilization using bioengineering approach
作者:Navdeep Kumar, Dipayan Das (India)
9. 标题:Geocell reinforcement for performance improvement of vertical plate anchors in sand
作者:Sujit Kumar Dash, Awdhesh Kumar Choudhary (India)
10. 标题:Development of geomembrane strains in waste containment facility liners with waste settlement
作者:Yan Yu, R. Kerry Rowe (Canada)
11. 标题:Pilot tests on vacuum preloading method combined with short and long PVDs
作者:Liqiang Sun, Xin Gao, Daokun Zhuang, Wei Guo, Jinfang Hou, Xiaoqiang Liu (China)


G&G 2018年第2期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。

【撰稿:王志杰  李乔一     审核:吕鹏     编辑:程凤娟】
上一篇:会员福利!土工合成材料国际期刊论文摘要集(G&I 2018年第1期)
下一篇:会员福利!土工合成材料国际期刊论文摘要集(G&I 2018年第2期)
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