《Geosynthetics International》(简称G&I)2018年第4期共刊发了7篇学术论文,内容涉及土工膜-砂土界面单调与循环剪切特性、锚固角对土工织物抗拔阻力的影响、增强型膨润土在土工合成材料粘土垫(GCLs)封存无机废弃物渗滤液中的应用、相邻矩形基础荷载作用下土工格栅加筋砂土-软粘土界面工作性能、砂土-发泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)颗粒混合料动力特性、差异沉降对土工合成材料加筋土整体式桥梁系统(GRS-IBS)工作性能影响的数值评估、纤维加筋对软粘土抗剪强度与孔隙比的影响等。
1. 标题:Monotonic and cyclic shear behaviour of geomembrane-sand interface作者:W. J. Cen, H. Wang, Y. J. Sun and L. S. Wen (China) 2. 标题:Influence of anchorage angles on pull-out resistance of geotextile wrap around anchorage 作者:Y. Xu, D. J. Williams and M. Serati (Australia) 3. 标题:Enhanced bentonites for containment of inorganic waste leachates by GCLs 作者:J. Scalia IV, G. L. Bohnhoff, C. D. Shackelford, C. H. Benson, K. M. Sample-Lord, M. A. Malusis and W. J. Likos (USA) 4. 标题:Closely spaced rectangular footings on sand over soft clay with geogrid at the interface 作者:S. Saha Roy and K. Deb (India) 5. 标题:Dynamic properties of sand-EPS bead mixtures 作者:R. M. El-Sherbiny, S. H. Ramadan and M. A. El-Khouly (Egypt & Canada) 6. 标题:Numerical evaluation of the effect of differential settlement on the performance of GRS-IBS 作者:A. Ardah, M. Y. Abu-Farsakh and G. Z. Voyiadjis (USA) 7. 标题:Effect of fiber reinforcement on shear strength and void ratio of soft clay 作者:M. Mirzababaei, A. Arulrajah, A. Haque, S. Nimbalkar and A. Mohajerani(Australia) G&I 2018年第4期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
【撰稿:王志杰 左政 审核:吕鹏 编辑:程凤娟】
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