《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》2018年第4期共刊发了15篇学术论文,内容涉及三维效应下加筋土支护转角结构稳定性分析、采用土工织物减少路基细颗粒向柔性路面底基层迁移、土工格室加筋粒状土界面特性、纤维加筋水泥浆回填采矿场稳定性的离心模型研究、湄公河三角洲地区采用塑料排水板(PVD)加固地基岩土参数反演分析、压实水泥-纤维-砂抗弯性能、HDPE土工膜中的辐射量与抗氧化剂消耗、基于液限的水化作用与水力传导条件下土工合成材料粘土垫(GCLs)性能评估、不同筋材与不同土料类型的人工岛礁沉降与抗冲刷特性试验研究、GML/GCL/CCL复合衬垫系统因固结所致挥发性有机化合物运移评估、基于服役性能的加筋土挡墙设计方法、工作应力条件下竖向土工合成材料加筋土挡墙筋材荷载计算、基于室内试验与数值模拟的小尺寸纤维加筋土形成过程能量消耗、土工织物对地震荷载作用下中高层建筑抗震性能影响、有水与无水条件下乙烯醇共聚物(EVOH)薄膜屏障渗透特性等。
论文目录如下: 1. 标题:3D effects of turning corner on stability of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures 作者:Fei Zhang, Yufeng Gao, Dov Leshchinsky, Shangchuan Yang, Guangyu Dai (China & USA) 2. 标题:Reduction of subgrade fines migration into subbase of flexible pavement using geotextile 作者:Behnoud Kermani, Ming Xiao, Shelley M. Stoffels, Tong Qiu (USA) 3. 标题:Interfacial properties of geocell-reinforced granular soils 作者:Gholamhosein Tavakoli Mehrjardi, Fariba Motarjemi (Iran) 4. 标题:Centrifuge model studies on the stability of fibre-reinforced cemented paste backfill stopes 作者:X.W. Yi, G.W. Ma, A. Fourie (Australia) 5. 标题:Back-analysis of geotechnical parameters on PVD-improved ground in the Mekong Delta 作者:H. Hiep, S.G. Chung (Korea) 6. 标题:Comparative flexural performance of compacted cement-fiber-sand 作者:Pitthaya Jamsawang, Thanawan Suansomjeen, Piti Sukontasukkul, Pornkasem Jongpradist , Dennes T. Bergado (Thailand) 7. 标题:Radiation dose and antioxidant depletion in a HDPE geomembrane 作者:Kuo Tian, Craig H. Benson, Youming Yang, James M. Tinjum (USA) 8. 标题:Liquid limit based assessment of geosynthetic clay liners subject to hydration and hydraulic conductivity testings 作者:Tuğçe Özdamar Kul, A. Hakan Ören (Turkey) 9. 标题:Experimental study on settlement and scour characteristics of artificial reef with different reinforcement type and soil type 作者:Dae-Ho Yun, Yun-Tae Kim (Korea) 10. 标题:Assessment of consolidation-induced VOC transport for a GML/GCL/CCL composite liner system 作者:Hefu Pu, Jinwei Qiu, Rongjun Zhang, Junjie Zheng (China) 11. 标题:A performance-based approach to design reinforced-earth retaining walls 作者:D. Gaudio, L. Masini, S. Rampello (Italy) 12. 标题:Earth pressure coefficients for reinforcement loads of vertical geosynthetic reinforced soil retaining walls under working stress conditions 作者:Lei Wang, Huabei Liu, Chunhai Wang (China) 13. 标题:Energy efficiency of fibre reinforced soil formation at small element scale: Laboratory and numerical investigation 作者:Erdin Ibraim, Jean-Francois Camenen, Andrea Diambra, Karolis Kairelis, Laura Visockaite, Nilo Cesar Consoli (UK & France & Brazil) 14. 标题:Influence of geotextile arrangement on seismic performance of mid-rise buildings subjected to MCE shaking 作者:Ruoshi Xu, Behzad Fatahi (Australia) 15. 标题:Barrier permeation properties of EVOH thin-film membranes under aqueous and non-aqueous conditions 作者:Rebecca S. McWatters, R. Kerry Rowe (Australia & Canada) G&G 2018年第4期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
【撰稿:王志杰 李乔一 审核:吕鹏 编辑:程凤娟】
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