《Geosynthetics International》(以下简称G&I)2018年第6期共刊发了7篇学术论文,内容涉及土工合成材料加筋垫层桩抗震性能、土工合成材料加筋土桥台横向振动台试验、相邻条形基础在加筋土结构中的相互作用、土工格室加筋砂中锚板极限抗拔力、软土路堤下方侧壁与预制竖向排水井三维有限元分析、基于三维数字图像相关技术的土工膜大应变拉伸性能、PET拉筋带加筋土挡墙拉伸荷载模型的准确性评估等。
论文目录如下: 1. 标题:Geosynthetic-reinforced cushioned piles with controlled rocking for seismic safeguarding 作者:R. Xu and B. Fatahi (Australia) 2. 标题:Transverse shaking table test of a half-scale geosynthetic reinforced soil bridge abutment 作者:Y. Zheng, J. S. McCartney, P. B. Shing and P. J. Fox (USA) 3. 标题:Interaction of adjacent strip footings on reinforced soil using upper-bound limit analysis 作者:N. Biswas and P. Ghosh (USA & India) 4. 标题:Assessing the ultimate uplift capacity of plate anchors in geocell-reinforced sand 作者:M. Rahimi, B. Leshchinsky and S. N. Moghaddas Tafreshi (Iran & USA) 5. 标题:Sidewalls and PVDs below embankments on soft soils – three-dimensional analysis by FEM 作者:J. L. Borges and F. Almeida (Portugal) 6. 标题:Large-strain tensile behaviour of geomembranes with defects using 3D digital image correlation 作者:W. J. Cen, H. Wang, D. J. Li and L. S. Wen (China) 7. 标题:Evaluation of tensile load model accuracy for PET strap MSE walls 作者:Y. Miyata, R. J. Bathurst and T. M. Allen (Japan, Canada and USA) G&I 2018年第6期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
【撰稿:王志杰 左政 审核:吕鹏 编辑:程凤娟】
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