《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》(以下简称G&G)2018年第6期共刊发了21篇学术论文,内容涉及颗粒形状对土工格栅加筋土结构影响的三维离散元分析、表面改性椰壳纤维土工织物的耐久性研究、含盐量对土工合成材料粘土衬垫保水性能的影响、土工合成材料界面动摩擦与抗震性能、金属丝网特性对加筋土模型挡墙破坏机理的影响、部分水合作用后土工合成材料粘土衬垫组分间相互作用的微X射线可视化、软土地基中土工合成材料筋箍碎石桩振动台试验、滤池反冲洗废水中使用絮凝土工织物及其对铝浓度的影响、路基中土工合成材料粘土衬垫初始水合作用不充分的原因、动态梯度比测试装置、考虑施工影响的软土地基中土工合成材料筋箍碎石桩数值模拟及验证、土工格室加筋砂土中板锚抗拔承载力的试验与数值模拟、粘土上单一加筋碎石层承载力估计、通过振动台试验确定界面摩擦力、松砂中单个土工织物筋箍砂土桩三维数值分析、循环荷载作用下土工合成材料加筋土边坡的试验与数值模拟、三维加筋粘性填土结构所需筋材强度计算方法研究、土体固有各向异性对砂土-土工合成材料界面峰值摩擦角与最大膨胀角的影响、土工格栅与土工格室加筋机械设备基础的试验与数值模拟、铁路沿线路边排水新装置的试验评估、关于320座破坏的加筋土挡墙扩展数据库及建议等。
论文目录如下:1. 标题:Effect of particle shape on the response of geogrid-reinforced systems: Insights from 3D discrete element analysis 作者:Ge Gao, M.A. Meguid (Canada) 2. 标题:Durability studies of surface-modified coir geotextiles 作者:S. Sumi, N. Unnikrishnan, Lea Mathew (India) 3. 标题:Effect of water salinity on the water retention curve of geosynthetic clay liners 作者:Yi Lu, Hossam Abuel-Naga, Eng-Choon Leong, Abdelmalek Bouazza, Peter Lock (Australia & Singapore) 4. 标题:Dynamic friction and the seismic performance of geosynthetic interfaces 作者:P. Pavanello, P. Carrubba, N. Moraci (Italy) 5. 标题:Influence of wire mesh characteristics on reinforced soil model wall failure mechanisms-physical and numerical modelling 作者:Adis Skejic, Senad Medic, Samir Dolarevic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) 6. 标题:Micro X-ray visualisation of the interaction of geosynthetic clay liner components after partial hydration 作者:Will P. Gates, Gift Dumadah, Abdelmalek Bouazza (Australia & Ghana) 7. 标题:Shaking table tests on geosynthetic encased columns in soft clay 作者:C. Cengiz, E. Guler (UK & Turkey) 8. 标题:Using a geotextile with flocculated filter backwash water and its impact on aluminium concentrations 作者:I. Jahan, M. Wood, C.B. Lake, G.A. Gagnon (Canada) 9. 标题:Insufficient initial hydration of GCLs from some subgrades: Factors and causes 作者:A.S. Acikel, W.P. Gates, R.M. Singh, A. Bouazza, R.K. Rowe (Australia & UK & Canada) 10. 标题:A dynamic gradient ratio test apparatus 作者:M.W. Khan, A.R. Dawson, A.M. Marshall (United Kingdom) 11. 标题:Numerical modelling and validation of geosynthetic encased columns in soft soils with installation effect 作者:Sparsha Sinduri Nagula, Duc Michael Nguyen, Jürgen Grabe (Germany) 12. 标题:Experimental and numerical investigation of the uplift capacity of plate anchors in geocell-reinforced sand 作者:M. Rahimi, S.N. Moghaddas Tafreshi, B. Leshchinsky, A.R. Dawson (Iran & USA & UK) 13. 标题:Estimating the bearing capacity of single reinforced granular fill overlying clay 作者:Gizem Misir, Mustafa Laman (Turkey & UK) 14. 标题:The determination of interface friction by means of vibrating table tests 作者:P. Pavanello, P. Carrubba, N. Moraci (Italy) 15. 标题:Three-dimensional numerical analysis of individual geotextile-encased sand columns with surrounding loose sand 作者:Shaymaa, T. Kadhim, Robert L. Parsons, Jie Han (Iraq & USA) 16. 标题:Experimental and numerical investigations of the behaviour of footing on geosynthetic reinforced fill slope under cyclic loading 作者:Md. Jahid Iftekhar Alam, C.T. Gnanendran, S.R. Lo (Australia) 17. 标题:Required unfactored geosynthetic strength of three-dimensional reinforced soil structures comprised of cohesive backfills 作者:Yanbo Chen, Yufeng Gao, Shangchuan Yang, Fei Zhang (China) 18. 标题:Role of soil inherent anisotropy in peak friction and maximum dilation angles of four sand-geosynthetic interfaces 作者:Aliyeh Afzali-Nejad, Ali Lashkari, Benyamin Farhadi (Iran) 19. 标题:Laboratory and numerical investigation of machine foundations reinforced with geogrids and geocells 作者:Hasthi Venkateswarlu, K.N. Ujjawal, A. Hegde (India) 20. 标题:Laboratory evaluation of a new device for water drainage in roadside slope along railway systems 作者:Yipeng Guo, Wuming Leng, Rusong Nie, Chunyan Zhao, Xiong Zhang (China & USA) 21. 标题:An extended data base and recommendations regarding 320 failed geosynthetic reinforced mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls 作者:Robert M. Koerner, George R. Koerner (USA) G&G 2018年第6期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。
【撰稿:王志杰 李乔一 审核:吕鹏 编辑:程凤娟】
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