国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称GI)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为4.7;GI创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为4.5。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。 鉴于G&G与GI在国际土工合成材料领域的重要影响力,国内外许多有关土工合成材料的重大研究成果均发表在这两本期刊上。为了使协会会员及时了解最新的国际研究进展,协会秘书处收集整理了近期发表在G&G与GI上的论文摘要等信息,将陆续与协会会员分享。 ![]() 论文目录如下: 1. 标题: Centrifuge shaking table tests on tiered reinforced soil retaining walls subjected to the excitations of near-field ground motions 作者: Cheng Fan, Xuejun Liu, Yuting Zhang, Xiaoyu An, Huabei Liu 2. 标题: Effect of welding parameters on properties of HDPE geomembrane extrusion welds 作者: R. Kerry Rowe, M. Mouhamed Ali 3. 标题: Innovative design of self-adhesive basalt fiber mesh geotextiles for enhanced pavement crack resistance 作者: Zehua Zhu, Peng Xiao, Aihong Kang, Changjiang Kou, Bangwei Wu, Zhiwei Ren 4. 标题: Effect of a lateral drainage layer on leakage through a defect in a geomembrane overlain by saturated tailings 作者: Jiying Fan, R. Kerry Rowe 5. 标题: Experimental study on the effect of temperature on HDPE geomembrane/geotextile interface shear characteristics 作者: Hai Lin, Xiangyu Gong, Yifan Zeng, Chuangbing Zhou 6. 标题: Self-healing capacity of GCLs under simulated field conditions 作者: Jinchun Chai, Xiaoxiao Zhu, Jixiang Nie, Takenori Hino 7. 标题: Performance of eccentrically loaded strip footings on geocell-reinforced soil 作者: Sarper Demirdöğen, Ayhan Gürbüz, Kaan Yünkül 8. 标题: Exploring the influence of size-related factors on geocell-reinforced soil response using coupled continuum-discontinuum analysis 作者: Haibo Wang, Ge Gao, Mohamed A. Meguid, Yi Pik Cheng, Lulu Zhang 9. 标题: An analytical solution for the settlement of encased stone columns beneath rigid footings 作者: Jorge Castro, Jon Justo, Marina Miranda 10. 标题: Assessment of the functionality of geotextile and granular filter systems in hydraulic engineering in case of iron ochre clogging tendency 作者: Lukas Tophoff, Berit Finklenburg, Eva-Lotte Schriewer, Holger Schüttrumpf, Frank Heimbecher 11. 标题: Behavior of geosynthetic-encased stone column reinforced foundation under freeze-thaw cycles 作者: Zi-Ang Gu, Chungsik Yoo, Jian-Feng Chen 12. 标题: Seismic time-history analysis of block-faced reinforced-soil retaining wall based on pseudo-dynamic method 作者: Liang Lu, Bo Chen, Peng Liu, Zongjian Wang, Katsuhiko Arai 13. 标题: Full-scale accelerated testing of geogrid-reinforced inverted pavements 作者: Xi Jiang, Fengshou Zhang, Baoshan Huang, Hani Titi, Pawel Polaczyk, Yuetan Ma, Yanhai Wang, Zhiqiang Cheng 14. 标题: Macro-microscopic mechanical behavior of geogrid reinforced calcareous sand subjected to triaxial loads: Effects of aperture size and tensile resistance 作者: Zhao-gang Luo, Xuan-ming Ding, Qiang Ou, Yi-wei Lu 15. 标题: Seismic performances of the wrapped retaining wall backfilled with polypropylene fiber reinforced rubber-sand mixture 作者: Zhuang Haiyang, Yang Fan, Pan Chen, Cheng Yingyao 16. 标题: Mechanism of air-boosting and its effects on vacuum consolidation 作者: Jinchun Chai, Yafei Qiao, Wenqi Ding, Hehua Zhu 17. 标题: Enhanced drainage performance of PVF-wicking geosynthetics: Development and experimental assessment 作者: Xiaohui Sun, Ziyi Chen, Fan Chen, Silin Wu, Wuyu Zhang, Yuansheng Peng, Guilin Chen 18. 标题: Experimental evaluation of geosynthetic-modular block connection loads 作者: F.H.M. Portelinha, P.V.C. Figueiredo, J.G. Zornberg 19. 标题: Electroosmosis of gold tailings under multiple electrokinetic geosynthetics electrodes 作者: Changbo Du, Ben Niu, Fu Yi, Meng Wang, Xinqi Jiang 20. 标题: Using strain hardening to predict the stress crack resistance of unaged and aged smooth black HDPE geomembranes 作者: M. Ali, R. Kerry Rowe, F.B. Abdelaal 21. 标题: Seismic bearing capacity of strip footings placed on reinforced soil slopes using slip line method 作者: Majd Tarraf, Ehsan Seyedi Hosseininia 22. 标题: Introduction to a novel geotextile tube connection construction method: A case study of test site and field application 作者: Hyeong-Joo Kim, Myoung-Soo Won, Shamsher Sadiq, Tae-Woong Park, Hyeong-Soo Kim, Young-Soung Jeong, Jun-Yong Park, Tae-Eon Kim 23. 标题: Numerical modelling of reinforced fill over a void considering rate-dependent stiffness of the reinforcement 作者: Fahimeh M. Naftchali, Richard J. Bathurst 24. 标题: Experimental investigation of the geometry of geocell on the performance of flexible pavement under repeated loading 作者: Sayanti Banerjee, Bappaditya Manna, J.T. Shahu 25. 标题: Evaluation of arched EPS block and geocell inclusions in trench backfill for protection of buried flexible pipes 作者: S.N. Moghaddas Tafreshi, N. Joz Darabi, M. Azizian, B.C. O'Kelly, A. Faramarzi 26. 标题: 2D failure mechanisms and failure modes of a new type of geotextile tubes used for river dikes 作者: Berit Finklenburg, Elena-Maria Klopries, Holger Schüttrumpf 27. 标题: Effective stiffness matrix calculation of geocell layer and reinforcement mechanism analysis of geocell reinforced embankment 作者: Changjun Yin, Jingjing He, Ahmed Adam Khalifa Gowi, Zhuo Li, Chenhang Zhou 28. 标题: New simple method for calculating large-strain consolidation settlement of layered soft soils with horizontal drains and vacuum preloading with comparison to test data 作者: Ze-jian Chen, Peng-lin Li, An Li, Jian-hua Yin, Ding-bao Song 29. 标题: Investigation on the static performance of geogrid reinforced aeolian sand railway embankment: Field test and discrete element simulation 作者: Wei Du, Rusong Nie, Yanlu Qi, Bo Ruan, Fan Mo 30. 标题: Experimental study on the improvement of sludge by vacuum preloading-stepped electroosmosis method with prefabricated horizontal drain 作者: Xiaoya Bian, Haodong Yang, Hui Liu, Zhiyao Xu, Rongjun Zhang 31. 标题: Transport parameters for PFOA and PFOS migration through GCL's and composite liners used in landfills 作者: Farah B. Barakat, R. Kerry Rowe, David Patch, Kela Weber 32. 标题: Locating leaks in geomembrane-lined ponds using the electrical leak location method: Case histories 作者: Priscila Zidan, Matthew Kemnitz, Elisabeth Ritter 33. 标题: Optimum tack coat rate for different asphalt geosynthetic interlayers to achieve optimum shear bond strength 作者: N.S. Correia, M.P.S. Silva, A. Shahkolahi 34. 标题: Three-dimensional numerical analysis of large-scale horizontal square anchors in geogrid-reinforced sand 作者: Sougata Mukherjee, G.L. Sivakumar Babu 35. 标题: Long-term hydraulic conductivity of bentonite-polymer geosynthetic clay liners 作者: Hanrui Zhao, Dong Li, Kuo Tian 36. 标题: Plastic shakedown limit of geosynthetic reinforced coarse-grained soil: Experiments and prediction model 作者: Dongjie Zhang, Kai Cui, Qionglin Li, Shangchuan Yang, Pangju Li, Zhifeng Wu, Xiaohao L, Jinhong Xie 37. 标题: Influence of secondary reinforcements on the behavior of geosynthetic reinforced soil walls 作者: Fuxiu Li, Wenhao Guo, Yewei Zheng 38. 标题: Predictive model for the interface bond strength of geosynthetic-reinforced asphalt layers 作者: M.P.S. Silva, J.G. Zornberg, N.S. Correia 39. 标题: Evaluation of dynamic soil stress distribution in GRS bridge abutments subjected to cyclic loading 作者: Yafei Jia, Chuan-Bao Xu, Jun Zhang, Jun-jie Zheng, Yewei Zheng
撰稿:杨 佳
王志杰 审核:许喜娟 编辑:程凤娟 |
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