国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称GI)。G&G创刊于1984年,当前影响因子为5.2;GI创刊于1994年,当前影响因子为4.5。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。 鉴于G&G与GI在国际土工合成材料领域的重要影响力,国内外许多有关土工合成材料的重大研究成果均发表在这两本期刊上。为了使协会会员及时了解最新的国际研究进展,协会秘书处收集整理了近期发表在G&G与GI上的论文摘要等信息,将陆续与协会会员分享。 ![]() 论文目录如下: 1. 标题: Mitigation of lateral slope movement and soil improvement using the vacuum-PVD scheme 作者: S. Soralump, N. Koirala, S. Phakdimek 2. 标题: Laboratory preparation and tensile signal response of sensor-enabled piezoelectric geobelt 作者: Y. Rao, J. Ye, H. Wang, J. Wang, G. Ding, J. Ni 3. 标题: Machine-learning modelling of tensile force in anchored geomembrane liners 作者: K. V. N. S. Raviteja, K. V. B. S. Kavya, R. Senapati, K. R. Reddy 4. 标题: Gas flow characteristics of GCL under distortions, wet-dry cycles, and hydrating fluids 作者: V. Khan, S. Rajesh 5. 标题: Woven geotextile permeability under uniaxial and laterally constrained conditions 作者: K. Y. Li, X. W. Tang, M. L. Fei, W. L. Chen, J. X. Liang, Q. Q. Xiang 6. 标题: Investigation on the long-term strain of geogrid in GRPS embankment under cyclic loading 作者: K.-F. Liu, K.-R. Xue, M.-J. Wen, L. Wang 7. 标题: Reliability analysis of compacted embankment with geocomposite under infiltration 作者: R. Showkat, G. L. Sivakumar Babu 8. 标题: Strain assessment of polyethylene pipes in dense sand subjected to axial displacement 作者: A. Reza, A. S. Dhar, M. Rahman 9. 标题: Transport of heavy metal contaminants in a composite liner under non-isothermal condition 作者: W. Jiang, S. Ge, C. Feng, J. Li 附件:
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